Tuesday Jun 26, 2012
The Compassion of Jesus
Tuesday Jun 26, 2012
Tuesday Jun 26, 2012
We need to learn from both what Jesus said and what He did. Compassion: means deep feeling of sympathy or feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. - Luke 10:30- The good samaritan - His response was different because of the element of compassion inside him. Jesus Showing Compassion: -Matt 14:14 - having compassion on them, He healed them. -Matt 20:30 - having compassion on them, touched their eyes and they were opened. -Mark 1:40-45 - Mark 5:1-17 - v17 Jesus explained that what the mad man had experienced was the compassion of the LORD, and gave him it as the key to ministry -Mark 9:17- - the man begged for compassion for healing for his son. Also note that the prayer and fasting Jesus said was required for dealing with the demons, was that which He had already done. It was not now that He was going to start fasting and praying. -Luke 7:11-16 - Compassion led him to raise the dead son of the widow - v13. -Heb 4:15 - We do not have an high priest who cannot be touch with the feeling of our infirmities... -Exodus 3:5-8 God knew the suffering -Rom 9:15 - God will have soverignty in choosing who to show mercy and compassion to. -Heb 4:16 - ...come boldly before the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy and grace in time of need.
Sunday Jun 24, 2012
Spiritual Distance
Sunday Jun 24, 2012
Sunday Jun 24, 2012
Spiritual distance is not the same as physical distance. When something is physically distant from you, it does not mean that it is spiritually distant from you and vice versa. Mark 5:6 - The man had many demons but ran to Jesus and worshipped Him. Mark 1:23 - The man had demons but was in church Matt 16:16-23 - Peter had revelations from God and was shortly thereafter used of the devil. Matt 8:8 1. Physically far away does not mean spiritually far away 2. Physically close does not mean spiritually close. 3. You can be close to someone physically but not benefit from them spiritually. a. Familiarity can block the blessing that a man of God close to you would otherwise be to you. b. Faith brings the blessing to you even when you are separated by time and distance. 4. You do not have to be physically near a person for the anointing to affect you. That is why we need to be in the habit of listening to messages. 5. You can be physically next door to evil powers and they not have an effect on you. Eph 1:18-23 - In Christ we have been placed far above every principality and power...
Tuesday Jun 19, 2012
The Blessed Hands of Jesus
Tuesday Jun 19, 2012
Tuesday Jun 19, 2012
1. Luke 24:50-53. He lifted His hands and blessed them. 2. Matt 14:30-34. Sometimes when we strike out for the LORD, things can begin to turn out as the skeptics said it would. We begin to sink. The next thing to do is to cry out to the LORD to save us. "And immediately Jesus streched forth His hand and caught him..." 3. Mark 1:40-43. Jesus put forth His hand and touched him ... and IMMEDIATELY the leprosy departed from him... We may believe that God can make the impossible to happen. Its not beyond His power. But we wonder whether He is WILLING to help us. We need to believe like this leper that He can choose to do it for us. No one is too far gone. 4. Luke 8:41- Someone's miracle will not stop yours from coming. The woman with the issue of blood had her miracle inserted on the way to raise Jairus' daughter. 5. Mark 6:35- When the hands of the LORD touch the little you have and multiples it. Do your bit and leave the rest in the master's hands. 6. Mark 10:13. Jesus touched the children and blessed them. Do not forbid the children to come to the LORD for His blessing touch. 7. Luke 24:30-31. Jesus blessed the food ... Ex 23:25 8. When we are in doubt, it is a great time to experience the hands of the LORD. John 20:24-27. Jesus' blessed hands converting doubting Thomas into a real disciple...
Sunday Jun 03, 2012
The Territorial Nature of Demons
Sunday Jun 03, 2012
Sunday Jun 03, 2012
Mark 5:1-17 We can see what the demons would like to do in a person's life depending on how much control they have over that life. 1. Demons occupy and work in specific places. Different demons take over specific places and it is evident in their different manifestations in the different areas. v9-10 The demons were a group and perhaps the one that spoke is the captain. When they saw they had to leave the man, they started seeking the next best option - to stay in their area. Matt 12:43-45 - Demons when cast out of a man are displaced. - They can identify a specific place or person as their dwelling. Eph 6:10-12 v12 - Principalities - rulers of a region Implications: 1. Church planting is more difficult in some places than others. 2. It will be difficult therefore for churches to grow in some places than others. 3. Prayer is more difficult in some places. 4. Marriage is also different from place to place. 5. Business is also different in different places. 6. You will not have certain problems until you go to certain places. 7. It also means you must sanctify every home, room or dwelling place that you move into. 8. It is the explanation for the peculiar characteristics of 'races', tribes and different people groups. 9. Don't judge, mock, or laugh at someone because of their particular problem - it may be because of where they are or have passed that you have not been.
Tuesday May 29, 2012
The Importance of Instructions
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Tuesday May 29, 2012
- Instructions are direction calling for compliance. - As you grow you are given more room for discretion (less instruction) but now the instructions becomes way more important. Discretion replaces more and more of the less important instructions. -We walk by common sense, drive with principles, and fly by instructions. -John 21:18 When thou was young... As you grow in the LORD, you should be looking out for instructions to obey... that may not have your taste in them. - 1 Sam 15:19-23 Obedience is better than sacrifice... - Saul lost the kingdom over what may appear as trivial disobedience, perhaps even with good intentions. Num 22:20-34 Exo 4:20-25 God was upset with Moses that he had not circumcised his son, and though He had sent him to deliver Israel and invested a lot in him, He was going to kill him for the disobedience. Prov 4:13 Take fast hold of instruction..
Sunday May 27, 2012
The Close Compatibility of Demons With Christian Lifestyle.
Sunday May 27, 2012
Sunday May 27, 2012
Mark 5:1-6 Madman of Gadara ran to worship the LORD. Something we would not expect from a person under the control of evil spirits. Mark 1:21-26 The church member who did not fail to attend church but was still under the influence of the evil spirits. -disagreeing and arguing with the preaching is something we should be wary of when we find ourselves doing it. We may not like messages that are cutting close in our lives. Matt 16:13-23 -Peter oscilated between revelations from God and suggestions that are of the devil. Implications: -A Christian can have two spirits present and at work in him. -It explains the double standards we see in people. -Christians should not be decieved by the apparent goodness of a person. -Prospective couples should not be deceived by the apparent goodness of each other - wild things can show up later. -The Christian business people should not be decieved by the fact that the person they are dealing with is a Christian.
Sunday May 13, 2012
The Value of Practical Advice
Sunday May 13, 2012
Sunday May 13, 2012
Heb 6:10-12 Be followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Be a fast follower, not slow, sluggish. In order to have a faster way of getting ahead, learn from others. You appear more experienced than you are from using their encounters. Ruth 1 and 2 1. Ruth 1:13 Naomi gave practical advice. She had the interest of the daughters at hear and gave them some advice to rather benefit them than her. Go for things that work in life, not look good. 2. Ruth 2:19 Naomi taught Ruth that its a blessing when someone favors and takes a liking to you. Its a blessing a to noticed, liked, chosen.
Tuesday May 01, 2012
God Will Do It!
Tuesday May 01, 2012
Tuesday May 01, 2012
With Rev. Kweku Amponsa Have Faith that the Church Will Work: God will do a great thing when He finds us faithful.
Sunday Apr 29, 2012
Demons and How to Deal With Them
Sunday Apr 29, 2012
Sunday Apr 29, 2012
-Every Christian is engaged in a warfare, described as wrestling match Eph 6:12 -When you are engaged in a battle it is very important to be able to identify the enemy. -1 Peter 5:8 The enemy is seeking for someone to devour, implies that not everyone is devourable. Especially if you learn from the word of God about him. 2Cor 10:4 -Rev 12:7-9 - The devil and his angels were cast out into the earth. They live to deceive the whole world. -Heb 1:3-14 Angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation. The angels who fell use the same empowerment they had on the good side to work against us. Topics to Come: -Nature of Evil Spirits -The Activities of Evil Spirits -How to deal with evil spirits to overcome them. We need to learn how to identify the evil spirits when they are at work, to call things by what they are. Matt 15:22-25 The woman was able to diagnose the problem accurately - vexed with a devil. Mark 9:17-19 - the man accurtely diagnosed his son's problem to evil spirits. -It pays to live holy and pure yourself that you may not have compromised with the enemy and lose power over him.
Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Satan Cannot Stop Me
Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Ezekiel 34:1-6, 12 Matthew 26:31 The shepherd gathers the sheep and protects them. Lack of a shepherd => Scattering of the sheep, therefore making them prey. Exodus 5:1-9 The devil has nothing else to do than to look how to hinder the work of God. 1. The devil does not want you to go at all. v1-9 2. The devil attempts to keep you from going too far. Exodus 8:25-28 3. Even if you are going deep and far, he wants you to go alone. Exodus 10:8-11 4. If he can't keep you from going with everyone, he tries to retain your flocks (your money) Exodus 10:24-26