Sunday Oct 07, 2012
The Gift of a Pastor
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
(KJV)Galatians 6:6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. (KJV)Philippians 4:15-19 Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. [16] For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity. [17] Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. [18] But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God. [19] But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. - Its not about need - Its is received by a man, but it is a sweet smelling savor to God -God wants us to reap maximum benefit from His gifts, and honoring them is one way to handle them with understanding. 1. Your Pastor is a great gift from God Ephesians 4:8,11-14 - The gift is already given. It is up to you to know how to tap them. - God 's mind in giving the gift in v12-14 - A gift can not need bought with money. One day someone tried. Acts8:14-21 2. A Pastor is a source of knowledge and understanding - Jeremiah 3:15 - And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. 3. Your Pastor is a source of strength Ezekiel 34:2,4 4. A Pastor is a source of healing Ezekiel 34:2,4; James 5:14-15 5. A Pastor is a source of comfort Ezekiel 34:4 6. A Pastor is a source of fellowship - gathers the people together Ezekiel 34:5 7. A Pastor is a source of protection from evil spirits and other destroying factors Ezekiel 34:5, 8 8. A Pastor helps to avoid wandering Ezekiel 34:6 9. A Pastor is a source if instruction in righteousness Acts 9: 6, Acts 10:6 10. Your Pastor is a source of rebuke and correction. Everyone needs someone who can rather them. Not everyone. David erred, but had a Pastor who could point out his error - Nathan 11. Your Pastor watches over your soul - Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. -1 Samuel 12:23 Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way: - Travailing prayer, Ephesians 1 prayer, Ephesians 3 prayer
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
Demons and How To Deal With Them:How to Overcome Evil Spirits
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
1. Demons are challenged by the presence of God. Learn how to cultivate the presence of God around you - how to be in the presence of God. You probably notice how heaviness and depression seem to lift when you come to church... Why The Presence of God Overcomes Demons: 1. The word of God is preached and taught. Heb 4:12 2. The word of God is a light and it exposes the activities of demons. John 1:5. Notice that the trouble spots in your life are the areas you do not discuss with anyone. How can we cultivate the presence of God?: (bring the presence of God around you) 1. Through worship and music. Listening to the right kind of music. There is a wrong kind of music. The devil, the heavenly musician is adept at using music to take the yourh and the culture. 1 Sam 16:14-23, 2 Kings 3:14-16, 2 Chron 5:13-14 2. Prayer - Luke 3:21-22 Jesus prayed and the Holy Ghost descended upon him. 3. Listen to anointed preaching.
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Characteristics of Demons: Conclusion 1
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Characteristics: -Fear -Territorialism - learn -Depression & Mental Disorders -Isolation -Unnatural behavior - man could not live in a house Luke 8:27 -Excess Capacity for anything Mark 5:3-4 bound with chains but he plucked them off and broke the chains. Acts 19:13-16. Addictions. -Self destruction - cutting himself with stones -Uncontrollable People Mark 5:3-4 neither could any man tame him.
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Five Facts About The Call of God
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Christians must expect that there is a reason God has called them. A call from God to do anything at all is a privilige and a blessing: 1. Many are called. Matt 22:14 God is interested in many people and provides them opportunity. Not many respond, so few are chosen. 2. There is a call to fruitfulness. A general call to fruitfulness. John 15:16, John 6:44 That is a call to everyone to be fruitful 3. Some people are called in a spectacular way. Acts 9:3-6 Spectacular calling of Paul. 4. Some people are called in an ordinary way. 1 Kings 19:11 5. Some people are called through their desires 1 Tim 3:1 ...if a man desires the office of a bishop. Phil 2:13 ...God worketh in us both to will and do ...
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
What You Must Understand About The Gospel
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
We have been called to proclaim the gospel, not to explain it. Do not allow what you percieve as lack of knowledge to keep you from being a witness.
Sunday Jul 22, 2012
How To Lead Someone To Christ
Sunday Jul 22, 2012
Sunday Jul 22, 2012
1. You need to lead people that God has already touched. John 6:44, Acts 8:26-39 - Openness that people have toward your message. - Questions people may be asking. Things someone must be made to understand: 1. Help person to understand that God loves him and has a plan for his life. Many people interpret the conviction of the Holy Spirit as condemnation. John 3:16-17 2. Man is sinful and separated from God. Isa 59:1-2, Rom 3:23, 6:23a 3. Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sins. Rom 5:8, Rom 6:23b 4. We must indivdually receive Christ in our heart in order to benefit from His salvation. John 1:11-12 5. How do I know that Christ is in my life? Rev 3:20, 1 John 5:11-13 John 20:30-31, John 21:35 Things God has presented in Scripture are what is needed for our salvation, not to answer every question on earth.
Tuesday Jul 10, 2012
3 Things The New Creation Must Do
Tuesday Jul 10, 2012
Tuesday Jul 10, 2012
2 Cor 5:17 John 3:3-6 Chrisitanity is more of a relationship than a religion. Religions are man's effort, therefore comprise of things to do to be acceptable to God. What do you do with the inner man? 1 Peter 2:1-2 Feed the spirit that is born again with the word of God. Not prayer, fasting etc. They are good but you need food to grow. 1 Cor 9:24-27 - keep the body under subjection. Your flesh is strong and will convey you wherever it wills unless you keep it under control. Rom 12:1-2 - Present your body ( have control of it to direct it unto sacrificial uses for the LORD). -Be transformed by renewing of your mind.
Tuesday Jul 10, 2012
Characteristics Of Demons
Tuesday Jul 10, 2012
Tuesday Jul 10, 2012
1 Peter 5:8 The devil is looking for people to devour. If you are not alert, you are candidate prey. Angels are helpers of our faith: fallen angel work against us in the same manner - they are the demons. 1. be conscious of their existence 2. understand the nature of their activities so you can know how to fight it. Mark 5:1-13 Nature of Demons: - they can live in people - a person can be under Holy Spirit but still be under influence of demons - demons a territorial by nature Characteristics of Demons: - the first thing they introduce into a person is fear. Fear is a spirit not an emotion. Heb 2:14-15 i) fear makes us hide from God ii) make you hide your gifts and talents iii) fear takes away your sound mind iv) fear robs you of power and courage v) fear take away your ability to walk in love. You can't trust people. Fear disguises itself in precaution. Always Crying: - always, night and day he was .. crying ... - a product of unhappiness and depression Do things that hurt them but do not stop doing it: - ...cutting himself with stones.
Tuesday Jul 03, 2012
Christ and His Estimate of a Soul
Tuesday Jul 03, 2012
Tuesday Jul 03, 2012
- One thing about Christ is He believed the Father. It is impossible to follow without believing because the things on the way require it. For Jesus, he had to die for sinful mankind. Matt 16:26 What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Sunday Jul 01, 2012
The Activities of Demons:Fear
Sunday Jul 01, 2012
Sunday Jul 01, 2012
- We need to understand a lot about an enemy or subject in order to deal with it properly. - The devil does not spare anyone. Luke 4:12-13 Even Jesus had to face the devil in temptaion. And the devil left Him for a more favorable moment. 1. FEAR: - The man lived in a cemetery, among the tombs. A place of fear. When fear attacks, it is a demonic spirit. Fear, frightening dreams, etc. - 2 Tim 1:7 Living in fear is yielding your life to the demon of fear. Always makes you smaller or less than you can be. - Fear leads us to irrational actions. Gen 3:9-10. We also fear a hide from God, Church, others knowing that we are Christians, etc. - fear makes you hide gifts and talents Matt 25:14-25 (its too small, it will demand too much of me, it will alter my schedule unfavorably) -Fear takes away your sound mind. You act abnormally when afraid: by taking away your peace of mind 2 Tim 1:7 - Fear takes power and courage away from you. 2 Tim 1:7 - Fear destroys love 1 John 4:18