Tuesday Jun 18, 2013
Six Manifestations of Disloyalty
Tuesday Jun 18, 2013
Tuesday Jun 18, 2013
1. Disobedience: - 1 Sam 15:10-24. We may look at Saul's actions and no think as much as the LORD did of them, even counting Him as harsh. But Him who sees the heart knows the thing for what it is more than we. 2. Scorning: - Psalm 1:1 - critics, looking down on people who are doing their best to serve the LORD, 3. Inflexibility: - lacks a servant attitude, only flowing when it is convenient for them 4. Lies: - goes hand in hand with stealing - Prov 6:16-17 5. Tale bearing: - Prov 6:19 6. Rudeness: - Numbers 16:12
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
Rewards of Loyalty
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
Disloyalty is rebellion and rebelion is witchcraft. Gets the same punishment. Suffer not a witch to live. Execution. Some Executions In The Bible: 1. Lucifer 2. Absalom 2 Sam 18:15 3. Ahitophel 2 Sam 17:23 4. Shimei 1 Kings 2:46 5. Adonijah 1 Kings 2:25 6. Judas Matt 27:5 Rewards of Loyalty: - Matt 25:21 - well done thou good and faithful servant... 1. Loyalty is rewarded with increase by God - thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things:... 2. Loyalty is rewarded with God's favor - enter thou into the joy of the LORD. Three Common Causes of Disloyalty: 1. An erratic personality - makes sudden decisions. Make sudden life changing decisions. Breaks relationships easily. Proc 24:21 2. Financial reasons. 1 Tim 6:10 - for the love of money is the root of all evil. Eccl 5:10 - He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver. 3. Missing God's direction: -Jer 14:14 - visions of their own hearts
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
Five Statutes of Loyalty
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
1. No matter what you do, some people will be disloyal. John 6:70 2. Teaching is immunization against disloyalty. 2 Samuel 15:11 3. The teachings on loyalty must be remembered in the hour of temptation. Luke 22.31 4. Your loyalty is first to Jesus Christ. 5. A loyal person does not destroy what he builds. Galatians 2.18
Sunday Jun 02, 2013
Ten Statutes of Loyalty - Recap
Sunday Jun 02, 2013
Sunday Jun 02, 2013
In this message are powerful new insights as we recap the Ten Statutes (Laws) of Loyalty that were covered in the previous two episodes. You will agree when you discover you have taken a whole new set of notes. Be blessed!
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Ten Laws of Loyalty - II
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Tuesday May 28, 2013
3. Loyalty breeds loyalty 4. Disloyalty breeds disloyalty 5. Loyalty has a single eye 6. Loyalty demands the right attitude 7. Loyalty does not create or join factions 8. The root of disloyalty is pride 9. Loyalty is an integral part of your character 10. Familiarity breeds disloyalty
Sunday May 12, 2013
Ten Laws of Loyalty - I
Sunday May 12, 2013
Sunday May 12, 2013
1. The head of an organization must first be loyal to his subordinates. Psalm 133:1-2 2. Lolyalty is the key to expansion.
Sunday May 05, 2013
15 Powerful Effects of the Anointing IV
Sunday May 05, 2013
Sunday May 05, 2013
11. The anointing will cause you to develop a powerful relationship with God. It creates a special bond with God, because it is the Spirit of God. - Psa 89:26-27 - Gen 20:7, 17-18 12. The anointing will give eternal things - Rev 14:13 - Blessed are the dead... Wait. We count the dead as not blessed. But in God's eyes, there are some dead which are blessed - those that die in the LORD. The rest from their labors and the labor they did follows them, not perishing. 13. The anonintong with cause God to have a covenant with you. Psalm 89:28. 14. The anointing will cause God to establish your children. Psalm 89:29. Malachi 4:6 - when the hearts of the fathers are turned away from the children and the hearts of the children not towards the fathers, it creates a an environment for a curse. 15. The anointing will give you a long lasting ministry. Psal 89:36-37
Saturday May 04, 2013
The Touch of Jesus Christ
Saturday May 04, 2013
Saturday May 04, 2013
Mark 8:10-26 - Jesus Heals A Blind Man
Saturday May 04, 2013
Stepping Into The Supernatural
Saturday May 04, 2013
Saturday May 04, 2013
We are spiritual and natural. But we tend to operate in the natural. God operates in the spiritual - the supernatural. There is a thin line between. If we are not sensitive and receptive, we shall not benefit. There is just a step into the supernatural. When You Step Into The Supernatural: - God Will be with you - God will bring you back again and restore you. - God will not leave you until He has finished doing what He promised. ... and much more.
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
Why You Must Be Anointed - 15 Powerful Effects of the Anointing III
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
- Having the wrong mind about anointing cuts you off from many of the God's blessings. Anointing is not only for preaching, but for regular Christian living. Recap - 15 Powerful Effects: 1. Supernatural Help 2. Promotion to great heights 3. Establishment 4. Strength 5. Protection from deception. New: 6. The anointing will deliver you from the afflictions of the devil. Ps 89:22b. The anointing will heal your body also and keep sicknesses at bay. 7. The anointing will cause enemies who fight against you to be destroyed. Psalm 89:23; Num 12:1-2; Gen 20:1-7; 17-18 8. The anointing will cause you to experience the loving kindness of God - Psalm 89:24 9. God's anointing will establish you as a person of authority - Psalm 89:24 10. The anointing will cause you to expand - it will expand your sphere and scope of influence. - Ps 89:25 1 John 2:20, 27 Job 32:7-8